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Rif.: ec-europa-eu / rappresentanza It-Mi Comunicato/notizia - 21 Giugno 2022
«Protezione dei consumatori: TikTok si impegna ad allinearsi alle norme dell'UE per proteggere meglio i consumatori»
«A seguito degli scambi con la Commissione e la rete delle autorità nazionali di cooperazione per la tutela dei consumatori (CPC), TikTok si è impegnata ad allineare le proprie pratiche alle norme dell'UE in materia di pubblicità e tutela dei consumatori, in particolare la direttiva sulle pratiche commerciali sleali, la direttiva sui diritti dei consumatori e la direttiva sulle clausole abusive nei contratti. Il dialogo è scaturito in primo luogo da un reclamo dell'Ufficio europeo delle unioni dei consumatori (BEUC). Nel febbraio 2021 il BEUC ha lanciato l'allarme in merito ad alcune pratiche problematiche di TikTok che violerebbero le norme dell'UE a tutela dei consumatori. Il BEUC aveva ad esempio riscontrato che la piattaforma social non tutelava i minori dalla pubblicità occulta e dai contenuti inappropriati. A seguito del reclamo, la Commissione, insieme alla CPC e guidata dalle autorità per la tutela dei consumatori irlandesi e svedesi, ha avviato un dialogo con TikTok. Le varie preoccupazioni sono state discusse e TikTok si è impegnata a modificare le proprie pratiche. Un comunicato stampa contenente maggiori informazioni e le prossime tappe è disponibile online.»
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[ https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_3823 ]
Rif.: ec-europa-eu / Brussels Press release - 21 June 2022
«EU Consumer protection: TikTok commits to align with EU rules to better protect consumers»
«Following dialogues with the Commission and the network of national consumer protection (CPC) authorities, TikTok has committed to align its practices with the EU rules on advertising and consumer protection, namely, the Unfair commercial practices Directive, the Consumer rights Directive and the Unfair contract terms Directive. This dialogue first originated from a complaint of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC). In February 2021, BEUC raised the alarm regarding certain problematic practices of TikTok allegedly breaching EU consumer rules. For instance, BEUC had found that the social media platform was failing to protect children from hidden advertising and inappropriate content. Following the complaint, the Commission, together with the CPC, and led by the Irish and Swedish consumer authorities, launched a dialogue with TikTok. The series of concerns have now been addressed and TikTok committed to change its practices. Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders said: “All social media platforms are required to play by the rules and make sure that consumers can easily identify commercial content, including when promoted by influencers. We welcome TikTok's commitment for more transparency in the way it operates its business activity. Thanks to our dialogue, consumers will be able to spot all kinds of advertisement that they are exposed to when using this platform. Despite today's commitment, we will continue to monitor the situation in the future, paying particular attention to the effects on young users.” Overview of main commitments:
Next steps The Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC) will actively monitor the implementation of these commitments, in 2022 and beyond. Data Protection Authorities will remain competent to assess compliance of the new policies and practices of the company with EU data protection rules. CPC authorities will, in particular, monitor and assess compliance where concerns remain, such as whether there is sufficient clarity around children's understanding of the commercial aspects of TikTok's practices. For example, for what concerns personalised advertising, in light of the recently published “5 key principles of fair advertising to children” The CPC will also carefully check the outcome of the testing of labels, as well as their implementation, and the adequacy of the display of the estimated unit price per coin in local currency when sending a gift. In addition, actions at national level may be launched to ensure that EU standards are respected and to guarantee that all platforms abide by the same rules. Background The Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) is a network of authorities responsible for the enforcement of EU consumer protection laws. To tackle cross-border issues, their actions are coordinated at EU level. National authorities are responsible for the enforcement of EU consumer protection laws. Thanks to the updated Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation, they now have stronger powers to detect irregularities and take speedy action against rogue traders. Cooperation applies to consumer rules covering various areas such as unfair commercial practices, e-commerce, geo-blocking, package holidays, online selling, and passenger rights.» More information CPC actions: social media and search engines
Rif.: «Protezione dei consumatori: TikTok si impegna ad allinearsi alle norme dell'UE per proteggere meglio i consumatori» - 21Giugno2022 [Rif.: ec-europa-eu / rappr. It-Mi] || > «EU Consumer protection: TikTok commits to align with EU rules to better protect consumers» - 21June2022 - press release [Rif.: ec-europa-eu / Brussels]
___ Direttiva sulle pratiche commerciali sleali ■ 'Unfair commercial practices directive':
___ Direttiva sui diritti dei consumatori ■ 'Consumer rights directive':
___ Direttiva sulle clausole abusive nei contratti ■ 'Unfair contract terms directive':
■ 'EU Consumer protection: TikTok commits to align with EU rules to better protect consumers' -- Press release | 21 June 2022 | Brussels: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_3823
+ ===
■ TikTok > 'Branded Content Policy':
■ TikTok > 'Community Guidelines': https://www.tiktok.com/community-guidelines?lang=en
+ ===
■ 'Cooperation between consumer and data protection authorities' >> '5 key principles of fair advertising to children':
___ Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) ■ 'Consumer Protection Cooperation Network':
___ Consumer Protection Cooperation Regulation ■ in >> 'Consumer Protection Cooperation Network':
Ulteriori Informazioni:
___ CPC actions: social media and search engines ■ 'Social media and search engines':
Resp.: Marina Palmieri
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