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Rif.: ec-europa-eu / rappresentanza It-Mi Comunicato-Notizia - 9 Giugno 2022
«Ucraina: l'UE annuncia ulteriori 205 milioni di € in aiuti umanitari in occasione della visita del Commissario Lenarčič in Ucraina»
«Alla luce dell'impennata dei bisogni umanitari, Janez Lenarčič, Commissario per la gestione delle crisi, si reca oggi in Ucraina per incontrare organizzazioni umanitarie e funzionari del governo ucraino allo scopo di contribuire a coordinare la risposta dell'UE alla crisi sul campo. Oggi incontrerà il primo ministro ucraino, Denys Shmyhal, la prima vice premier, Yulia Svyrydenko, la vice prima ministra, Iryna Vereshchuk, e il capo del servizio di emergenza di Stato dell'Ucraina, Serhiy Kruk. In concomitanza con tale occasione, l'UE stanzia oggi altri 205 milioni di € in assistenza umanitaria a favore dell'Ucraina. Ciò porta i finanziamenti totali dell'UE per gli aiuti umanitari in risposta all'invasione illegale dell'Ucraina da parte della Russia a 348 milioni di €, 13 milioni dei quali sono destinati a progetti nella vicina Moldova per sostenere gli sfollati in arrivo nel paese. Il Commissario per la Gestione delle crisi, Janez Lenarčič, ha dichiarato: "Da oltre 100 giorni assistiamo a sofferenze inutili e a innumerevoli violazioni del diritto internazionale umanitario. In questo momento di crisi il nostro dovere è stare al fianco dei più vulnerabili. Abbiamo risposto in fretta aumentando considerevolmente la nostra presenza in Ucraina e incrementando i finanziamenti umanitari a 348 milioni di €. Con questi finanziamenti i nostri partner umanitari forniscono cibo, acqua, assistenza sanitaria, alloggio, protezione e assistenza in denaro. Stiamo inoltre lavorando a stretto contatto con le autorità ucraine per garantire che l'assistenza fornita dagli Stati membri dell'UE sia in linea con i bisogni in costante evoluzione. Attraverso il meccanismo unionale di protezione civile abbiamo consegnato milioni di forniture salvavita agli ucraini e siamo determinati a sostenere l'Ucraina per tutto il tempo necessario."» === Altro >) Un comunicato stampa online è disponibile in: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_3549
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Rif.: ec-europa-eu / European Commission || Press release - 9 June 2022 - Brussels
«Ukraine: EU announces additional €205 million in humanitarian aid as Commissioner Lenarčič visits Ukraine»
«In light of the soaring humanitarian needs in Ukraine, Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, visits Ukraine today to meet humanitarian organisations and high level Ukrainian government officials to help coordinate the EU's crisis response on the ground. On the occasion, the EU today is allocating another €205 million in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine. This brings total EU humanitarian aid funding and the value of in-kind assistance to over €700 million in response to Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, of which €13 million is dedicated to projects in neighbouring Moldova. Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič said: “For more than 100 days, we have witnessed unnecessary suffering and countless violations of international humanitarian law. In this moment of crisis, our duty is to stand by the most vulnerable. We have swiftly responded by considerably scaling up our presence in Ukraine. With this funding our humanitarian partners are providing food, water, healthcare, shelter, protection and cash assistance. We are also working closely with the Ukrainian authorities to ensure the assistance provided by the EU Member States is aligned with the constantly evolving needs. Through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism we have delivered millions of life-saving supplies to Ukrainians, and we are committed to support Ukraine as long as it takes.” EU humanitarian support in Ukraine In addition to financial humanitarian assistance, the EU has mobilised all possible resources to enable aid into Ukraine, which includes:
EU humanitarian partners are ensuring that assistance reaches the most vulnerable people, even in the restricted areas. They are providing cash assistance, water, food, healthcare, protection and emergency shelter to affected civilians. As of today, EU-funded cash assistance programmes have already reached 1.59 million people with a monthly grant of 2,200 UAH. This is helping them to purchase items they need the most, while simultaneously contributing to the local economy. Background Since the start of Russia's invasion on 24 February, the humanitarian needs in Ukraine have risen to unprecedented levels. According to the United Nations, up to 15.7 million people require humanitarian assistance. The war in Ukraine has already forced more than 14 million people to leave their homes, of which almost 7 million people have crossed the border to neighbouring countries. It is estimated that more than 8 million people are internally displaced. Meanwhile, close to 13 million people are stranded in affected areas, either unwilling or unable to leave due to military action. The EU has responded to the humanitarian needs in Ukraine on 28 February with €90 million of funding, on 10 March with €3 million for Moldova, on 19 April with €50 million, and today with additional €205 million that has been requested by the European Commission and currently under adoption by the EU's Budgetary Authority, bringing the total amount of EU humanitarian aid in response to the war to €348 million. This funding is part of the overall pledges made by the European Commission.» For More Information = EU civil protection and humanitarian aid in Ukraine = EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre - IP/22/3549
Rif.: «Ucraina: l'UE annuncia ulteriori 205 milioni di € in aiuti umanitari in occasione della visita del Commissario Lenarcic in Ucraina» [Rif.: ec-europa-eu / European Commission] 09Giugno2022 + «Ukraine: EU announces additional €205 million in humanitarian aid as Commissioner Lenarcic visits Ukraine» [Rif.: ec-europa-eu / European Commission - Brussels] 9June2022
___ EU Civil Protection Mechanism ■ 'EU Civil Protection Mechanism' - Factsheet:
___ EU funded humanitarian warehouses and logistics operations ■ 'Ukraine: EU boosts operational support to humanitarian organisations' - Press release | 7 June 2022 | Brussels: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_22_3535
___ rescEU ■ 'European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations' || rescEU - Factsheet: https://civil-protection-humanitarian-aid.ec.europa.eu/what/civil-protection/resceu_en
Ulteriori Informazioni:
___ EU civil protection and humanitarian aid in Ukraine ■ 'European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations' || Ukraine - Factsheet: https://civil-protection-humanitarian-aid.ec.europa.eu/where/europe/ukraine_en
■ 'Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC)' - Factsheet:
Resp.: Marina Palmieri
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